Game Design
After finishing reading those two articles on game design and the game design process, I feel kind of confused because of all the information I had just taken in. To start off on the first article, I found it interesting and a nice easy read. I liked how the writer talks about how anyone could be a game developer, even if you've never designed or created a game before. I personally have created a small game before but I liked what the writer was doing telling me the reader to create a game with some paper and a pen. I can see how this can really inspiring and motivating for a first time game developer.
An image of people playing playstation
Source: Pixabay
Another thing the was interesting about this article was the part about the definitions of what a game really is. This part really showcases that it is a very broad term to be labelled as a game and that for most of these definitions, a game is something that you're free to play and not forced to play but should also have some conflict involved, in some way or another.
The second article I read was more about the ideation of game development. It discussed the ways people come up with ideas for games, such as brainstorming and isolation idea generating. I found this to be fascination because of how they depicted idea generating in the game industry. It talked about how brainstorming wasn't as effective as you would think and it is more "ideation for the sake of ideation". One of the interviewees from the article talked about how he/she felts isolation and walks in the outdoors helped with inspiration. Another interviewee talked about how long showers was their way to gain inspiration and then another interviewee felt that being subscribed to national geographic helped with their inspiration.
An image of the inspiration
This second article was a great read, because it shows you how inspiration can come from anywhere, and that usually it helps to find your own way of helping yourself to be inspired.
Hi Eamon! I like how you put your own thoughts into the articles and I had fun reading it. I'm looking forward to seeing how you create your game , it made me a little bit less stressed when I read that it doesn't take much creativity to make a game. My game is based on a 3d platform game where the player controls a sphere so it's not that creative but I'm hoping it will look good in the future. Anyway best of luck with your game! - Anna Zurawska