Games MDA
The development of a game revolves around many aspects that come together to create a finished final product. One thing that is used and thought about frequently in the minds of experienced developers is MDA. MDA stands for mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics, which when corresponding together, creates a memorable and enjoyable experience for said player, interacting with the game. These three systems are linked in ways that require unity, to be a working system. Mechanics is the creator of dynamics within a game and dynamics is the creator of aesthetics in a game. In theory, if mechanics was to fault then dynamics would correspond in the same way and so aesthetics would follow. These three systems working together are the basis of a successful game.

An image of a the MDA framework
Source: ResearchGate
The central idea behind the MDA framework is to breakdown a game into its mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics, so if a game developer was to do so, they could pick out the elements that made that game successful and integrate them into their own project, but as well as this, it is used to find the elements of the game in question that weren't as engaging.
The aesthetics of a game can be broken down to these elements.
- Sensation
- Fantasy
- Narrative
- Challenge
- Fellowship
- Discovery
- Expression
- Submission
A Gif about Game development
Source: Pinterest
These element help us describe games, giving us an insight on how and why different games appeal to certain players, or to the same players at different times.
Overall, when using the MDA framework, it helps to increase your understanding of the player. As a game designer, you only have the power to change the mechanics, so understanding the mechanics that yield the right dynamics, which in turn evoke the right emotions within the player, is key to creating a successful game.
Using the MDA framework is a tool that when completed, can provide information that tells you what type of response you would get from a player, without the completion of said game. This is a great form of primary research, that offers valuable data for early staged development.
I think you begin well by explaining to your readers what MDA stands for and is an effective way of communicating the ideas of the reading article to others.
ReplyDeleteI think however you could have extended out your piece by giving a brief explanation of the aesthetics of games as it seems like they are important but have been glossed over.