Unity Tutorial 03

This week I was tasked with completing three Unity tutorials, that dealt with the development of this food shooting, animal stampede game. I completed all the tutorials with little to no hassle and found them for the most part to be enjoyable, as I was learning new skills from every task I completed. 

A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial 
Source: Personal Screenshot

The tutorials started with a level base, three animals, a slice of pizza and a player. I was then tasked with making the player be able to move left to right, without falling off the map. I then had to make the player be able to shoot the pizza every time you pressed the space bar. The final thing I had to do was make the animals spawn randomly and run towards the bottom of the base. After this task was completed, I was done my tutorials for this week. I didn't find myself getting into any trouble when completing these tasks and all the code worked perfectly for me. Once I was all finished, I took two screenshots of my game. The first is when the game is not in play, and the second is the game in play. 

A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial 
Source: Personal Screenshot

I learned some usual skills completing this weeks tutorials, like using Prefabs and the "Destroy" code, which should become very usual for me when developing my game. 


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