Unity Tutorial 04

This week I was tasked with finishing off my game from last week. This was the food shooting animal stampede game. First I had to make the animals and the food disappear when they both came in contact with each other. This involved me using box colliders, which put an area around the animals that when the pizza came in contact with, make them disappear. After this was finished, I added a "Bebug" to my code that made "Game Over" come up when an animal made it past the player. Once this was finished, I then added some comments to my code, incase I need it for later, and then I was finished with this game. 

A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial 
Source: Personal Screenshot

The second part of my tutorials for reading week was the quiz challenge. This screenshot here below is am image of my finished challenge. 

A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial 
Source: Personal Screenshot

For this challenge I had to change the code so that game would actually work. I had to make the balls spawn at the top, make the dog run from the player when the space bar was pressed, make the balls disappear when in contact with the dog, make the objects disappear when off the screen, stop the player from being able to spam the dog button and finally have all the balls spawn randomly within a time frame.

A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial 
Source: Personal Screenshot

I found this quiz to be quite challenging to begin with and it took some time to complete but once I had figured out the problem, I felt kinda stupid for not realising it earlier. All the challenges were easy enough to complete besides the one where you had to stop the player from spamming the button. Once I had figured this challenge out, I was finished my tutorials for this week.


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