Review Week Comments and Feedback

Why Collecting In-App Feedback is Essential [New Feature] | Bugfender

A gif about feedback 
Source: Bugfender

1. Feedback in 

After finishing up and reading all the comments I have been receiving over the past few months I would say the quality of the comments I have been receiving is pretty good to be honest. I have looked through all them and everyone of them are very positive which is always a good start. I have found the comments that give me good useful feedback to be the most useful in my opinion but I wish I had received more of them because its always good to get feedback on something your working on. I have tried to give feedback that really challenges the ideas of my fellow students, that could help them develop their ideas further. I think this is the best way to get the most out of a feedback session.

2. Feedback out 

After giving many people feedback and leaving comments on their posts, I would say my feedback is to a very good level. I have spent a good amount of time taking in my fellow students work, analysing it and then trying to give them useful information and feedback that could benefit their work for the good. When we started the feedback part of this module, I had never heard of the TAG and WWW feedback strategies, and after using them, I think they are both great and really helped me to give good feedback to the other students. I have personally gotten some really good and useful ideas for my own writing, after reading and giving feedback to others. This is why I didn't mind doing these assignments, as I felt I was always learning while doing them. 

3. Blog Comments 

I have never read someones blog before, so this was a first for me. Along with this, I have never really talked to a lot of these people that I have comments on their blogs so I found it really interesting to sit down and learn so more about certain people, I have never talked to before. After reading these blogs, I can definitely say I do have a sense of getting to know people through their blogs. I have to say I am not happy with my introduction blog at all. I rushed that blog post and didn't really put much effort in as I followed all the bullet points. If I was to change one blog, it would be this. Overall, I am very happy with my blog and I think it looks well. I have a lot of information within my blog and also a lot of different imagery to try and make it look nice for the reader. I also have all my labels in place, so they never get lost.

3. Blog Comments 

If I was to do something differently to make these assignments more useful, it would probably be to try and give better feedback. I feel like I give good feedback but if it was better then I think these assignments would be more useful. I also wish I could receive slightly more challenging feedback that gives me ideas to work of, rather then complements towards my already developed ideas. 


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