Unity Tutorial 05

This week I started the Unity tutorials which tasked me with building my third different game. The game that I had to build was a running and jumping game, where the player is running and has to jump over the incoming obstacles, to not lose the game. If the player got hit by the obstacles, the player then had lost the game.

A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial 
Source: Personal Screenshot

I started off and followed the tutorials, as I had to first make the obstacles move from the right to left, the player would have to be made able to jump, the background had to look like it was moving and so on. I didn't find any of these tasks very challenging, but they were quite time consuming to complete. I had one issue this week with Unity, as the system crashed on me and I had to force close the application. Thankfully, I didn't have much to do to catch up when I re-opened the application. 

A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial 
Source: Personal Screenshot

One interesting thing I learned this week was the use of animations for the player. It was intriguing to learn about the use of animations and how it plays a big aspect in the creation of such a small game like this. Within this tutorial, I had to add a running, jumping and then death animation to the player. Once this was complete, I was finished my weeks tutorials. 


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