Unity Tutorial 08
This week I had to finish off on my lesson four tutorial, which was a game about a ball that rolls on top of this platform, where other balls would spawn and try and knock you off. The game would progressively get harder as you go along, with more and more balls spawning to attack you. The player had to use power ups to get the advantage over the other balls. I liked doing this tutorial and I think I've leathered a lot of valuable things, such as how to loop code and how to get an object to follow another object.
I only had a small bit of this challenge left to complete this week and then I had to do challenge 4.
A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial
Source: Personal Screenshot
A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial
Source: Personal Screenshot
These screenshots above are screenshots of my finished challenge. I found this challenge to be quite difficult to do but I eventually got it finished and in working order. Some of the things I had to do included, getting the enemy balls to role to the goal and getting the power up to turn off after a period of time. It took awhile to complete but eventually I got this challenge finished.
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