Week 9 Reading and Writing
1. Looking Back

A gif about thinking
Source: Medium
I started this module excited and ready to develop a game of some kind and was also looking forward to learning new skills that could be very useful for me later on in life, but when I heard I had to do an hours reading and then write about it, I was kind of put off. I gave it ago every week and I ended up actually not minding it as much, as I thought I would. I was learning about interesting things and also was picking up some skills in reading and writing. They started off quite difficult for the first week or two but after that first two weeks, I didn't mind doing them and I feel like they weren't that difficult or challenging to do. So overall, I am glad I did them.
After completing a total of 7 readings and writing, I have to say my favourite was probably the "Games MDA" reading. I actually enjoyed this one to be honest. There was a lot to learn from the articles that were supplied, and the video that was there also discussed some very interesting things about the development of a game itself. When I was developing the idea of my game for this module, I referred back to this reading on the games mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics. This made me think a lot about what I needed to create for my game to a working and playable game.
When developing my game I did do some reading of my past notes to get ideas on where I need to go, to get my game complete. Some of these reading was me going back and reading my Games MDA post, because I knew there was information there, that I should be thinking about.
Throughout these reading and writings, I have leaned some new reading and research strategies. I've learned to highlight key parts of my reading, as I am reading, so I can come back, refresh over them and then begin my writing part of the assignment. This has helped me a lot when I am struggling to get words down on a page.
Last weekend I made great process in the development of my project. I started off after the first week kind of fearful of all the stuff I have to do, before the deadline of my game. After last weekend I have made great progress and I feel I am on course to having my game fully finished and to a standard that I am happy with. This has reassured me and made me a lot happier with my project.
When thinking about my biggest accomplishment from doing this class, I would say It would either have to be my progress in learning game development or either my time management skills. Throughout this module I had to manage my time to not miss any assignments, which I feel I did very well and that's why I think it has been my biggest accomplishment for this class.
After completing a total of 7 readings and writing, I have to say my favourite was probably the "Games MDA" reading. I actually enjoyed this one to be honest. There was a lot to learn from the articles that were supplied, and the video that was there also discussed some very interesting things about the development of a game itself. When I was developing the idea of my game for this module, I referred back to this reading on the games mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics. This made me think a lot about what I needed to create for my game to a working and playable game.
When developing my game I did do some reading of my past notes to get ideas on where I need to go, to get my game complete. Some of these reading was me going back and reading my Games MDA post, because I knew there was information there, that I should be thinking about.
Throughout these reading and writings, I have leaned some new reading and research strategies. I've learned to highlight key parts of my reading, as I am reading, so I can come back, refresh over them and then begin my writing part of the assignment. This has helped me a lot when I am struggling to get words down on a page.
Last weekend I made great process in the development of my project. I started off after the first week kind of fearful of all the stuff I have to do, before the deadline of my game. After last weekend I have made great progress and I feel I am on course to having my game fully finished and to a standard that I am happy with. This has reassured me and made me a lot happier with my project.
When thinking about my biggest accomplishment from doing this class, I would say It would either have to be my progress in learning game development or either my time management skills. Throughout this module I had to manage my time to not miss any assignments, which I feel I did very well and that's why I think it has been my biggest accomplishment for this class.
2. Image
A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial
Source: Personal Screenshot
The image I decided to chose is an image from my last blog post. I chose this image because it illustrates my game idea coming to life.
3. Looking Forward
When I think about my next few reading and writing assignments, what I need to do, to get the most out of them is to pay attention more when reading them and really try and take in all the information. I feel like somethings the information is going over my head due to my lack of concentration.
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