Core Mechanics and Gameplay Analysis

 Image result for reading and research

Reading and Research image 

Source: Dr.Monica

This weeks research: Link

All research: Link


This week I found the reading and writing to be a lot easier, as it didn't take me as long to get everything up and running. I first went off and gathered a few research paper, that I felt would be off interest and have some useful information to do with my chosen topic. At this point I can work RefWorks and the library with no problems, so I started off by picking a paper and started to read it. I read through the paper and then wrote what I felt was good information into my word document, this took a lot of time to do six of the papers, as some of them didn't have any good information I felt I could use. Once I had done this six times, I was finished. I was happy with all my annotated bibliography's, besides my last one. When I was reading the last paper, it didn't have much useful information but I had already spend so long working on this task that I took what I could from it so I could finally be finished.

Overall, this task took me a long time to complete. I found it very difficult to do and spent most of my day working on it, because I left it for too long. I feel like I have gotten the hang of the reading and writing, so I hope it will be easier when I go to do it next time. 


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