Unity Tutorial 01

This week I started my new Unity Tutorial for semester two. I chose the 2D game design tutorial and then started the tutorial. I originally struggled to get the tutorial to work but after some help from my lecture, I got it working and I was on my way to completing the tutorials. 

I started off by getting Unity set up, then importing the Ruby sprite into the Unity engine. Once this was done I then created a movement script for Ruby and added it to her sprite. Once this was done, I could then move Ruby across the screen.

I then went on and started to build the game world, this involved splitting up tiles and adding them to the tile palette. From here, I used the brush tool to paint the tiles onto the game surface. This image below was the finished design.

My finished Unity Tutorial 

The last thing I had to do was bring g Ruby above the tiles so she could be seen in the game, once this was done, my tutorial for this week was completed. Overall I didn't struggle with this weeks tutorials once I got it to work for me.


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