Unity Tutorial 02

This week I went on to do my unity tutorial 2, which was me continuing on from last week. I started my tutorials and was very happy to have no problems at all with the software, so I could get everything done with no hassle at all. I started off by adding everything to the game world such as more decorations. I chose to add the trees and some mushrooms as well. Then I learned how to change the colour of the. boxes within my game, which I then changed then to red.

A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial 
Source: Personal Screenshot

After this, there was one more technical stuff to do which involved me adding rigid bodies and 2d box colliers to the in game objects. This allowed for Ruby to collied with the objects, making them feel like they're actually there in the world. I also had to adjust the pivot position of all these in game objects, including ruby, so that it looks like she goes behind the object, rather then going on top of it.

A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial 
Source: Personal Screenshot

Overall, I had no problems with this weeks tutorials and I enjoyed doing them.



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