Unity Tutorial 06

This week was my sixth unity tutorial. I had to make a few things such as a health bar and also introduce a new character to the game, which was Jambi. I started off by making the health bar, which didn't take that long and turned out pretty good. This involved me having to place it in the top right corner of the screen, have it resize well when the screen is resized and then also had to make a scripts for the health bar.

A screenshot of my finished Unity game tutorial 
Source: Personal Screenshot

The second thing I had to do was introduce a new character which was Jambi. Jambi is an NPC, which can be interacted with, within the game. I had to import him into an animation and then make him intractable. To do this I had to add a canvas to him and then add text to it, to make it look like he is talking to Ruby. Once this was done and working, I was finished everything for this weeks tutorial. 

Overall, this wasn't that hard of a tutorial to complete. It didn't take me that long and the content within it wasn't hard to understand, but I am not enjoying the way this set of tutorials doesn't have videos to follow along with, as it makes the overall experience a lot harder and more difficult to follow. 



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